Mitchell fell into the craft beer scene after drinking a St. Bernardus ABT 12 (A wonderful and flawless Belgian Quad) at a local watering hole in Georgia (I miss you Octane, good coffee, and a good selection on tap – RIP). He hadn’t had any beer outside of the usual fare of a grocery store beers or freebies from someone’s cooler. Once he tasted this new drink, a lot more came to mind about what beer could be.
Craft beer in Nashville, TN wasn’t super popular once he started setting his sights on anything around him. Eventually, he’d find a new gig that supplied a whole fridge with craft beer for the 5 o’clock drop brain sessions. He enjoyed beer (Blue Moon, Killians, Shock Tops) hefeweizen/witbier (Yazoo was a first hefeweizen he had), flavorful creative ales (cookie dough variant from New Belgium comes to mind), desert-like stouts, and many more. However, the IPA style eluded him. He’d had pale ales and they were “OK”. He wasn’t too impressed but it was a new taste that had to grow on him. In comes Bell’s HOPSLAM. The sheer profile of that beer wrecked the ol’palate and it was glorious. He then pursued the 120 Minute IPA (Dogfish Head) and in time, was impressed by that as well. Many more IPAs, DIPAs, TIPAs later… he’s a fan of the style and its many forms. The only beer Mitch hasn’t enjoyed was a super-powerful funk beer that he can’t remember anymore. It was served by bottle share and at the first Embrace the Funk at Yazoo Brewery. He loves pretty much any beer and enjoys experiencing new flavor profiles and is currently digging Pilsners…and a few variants to them! Dry Hopped Pilsners just might be his favorite easy-drinking beverage.
Mitch is 1/2 of the Foamy Heads podcast hosts, and he’s excited to share his journey with those who have a common thirst.
Here’s a playlist that Mitch repeatedly returns to while enjoy beverages with company.