Sycamore Brewing Mountain Candy IPA
Alc by vol. 7.5%
Bottled: 14 DEC 20
Style: IPA – American
Hop-bursted and double dry hopped, juicy flavors of stone fruit and rainbow candy with notes of citrusy dankness
Appearance: Golden with only a slight amount of haze, similar to a whitbier but a tad cleaner. Head retention is superb, forming an almost frothy appearance that resembles the top of a root beer float. Lace stays on the glass as the foamy head dissipates.
Aroma: Tropical fruit with some herbal and grassy notes… Maybe Orange peel as well?
Taste: Starts out bready and sweet (maybe candy-like, as the name suggests), then turns to stone fruit with a slight tangerine undertone as the hops start to show themselves.
Finish: Starts out soapy and quickly dissipates in to a bready/yeasty flavor. The taste stays on your palate longer than expected.
Summary: A non-typical American IPA is in our presence here, with the similarities ending with the herbal/bready characteristics. The addition of the candy-like characteristics was a huge win for me- and at 7.5% ABV, I can drink more than 1 of these with no problems. And while this isn’t my first Sycamore, it definitely won’t be my last!