3 Fonteinen Oude Kriek
Before opening:
Alc by vol. 6.6%
Bottled: 26 JUL 18 | Best Before 26 OCT 38
Style: Oude Kriek
Blended Lambic Beer Brewed with Cherries.
Ingredients: 60% Barley 40% Unmalted Wheat Old Hops Water, Sour Cherries (Min. 35%).
3 Fonteinen Oude Kriek is the result of macerating hand-picked whole sour cherries on lambic. All-natural fruit, with no artificial juices, syrups or sugars added. Bottle fermented, unfiltered and unpasteurized.
Message from label: Blend No. 71 season 17/18. Best before Oct. 26, 2038. This particular Oude Kriek has macerated for 6 months and 10 days. The lambics in this blend originate from 5 different barrels and 4 different brews. Bottled by Shelton Brothers Inc. Belchertown, MA
Beer Experience:
Poured from 12.7 fl. oz. bottle into a 10z Tulip Glass
Appearance: Pours red similar to juices like that of cranberry and is more viscous and clear than a red wine. Very little head retention and dissipates quickly. Small neat ring of tight bubbles.
Aroma: Cheery/dark fruit. Funky. Possibly oak? Similar smell to other funky beers with fruits, especially cherries.
Taste: Super tart and you can taste the sour macerated cherries! Has a good flavor or raspberry as well and some sweet notes that carry through.
Finish: Finishes dry similar to a red wine. Has a funk but isn’t jarring. Coats the palate well.
Summary: This is really complex for me, as I’ve not had a lambic in a while but have had several farmhouse ales and funk beers. This is a smooth drinking BEAST that out classes the lot of what I’ve had. This beverages subtleties is what really draws me in. I could drink this all day.