SAWA – Japas Brewing
Before opening:
Alc by vol. 4.7% ABV
Style: Sour Ale with Peach
Additional notes: (Notes from agent site: beerternational.com) With the typical acidity of the style, light and refreshing, Sawā is the translation of sour in Japanese. In this version of Sawā we chose to add a generous amount of peach. Grown in Brazil and Japan, the fruit has a striking, light acidity sweetness and unmistakable flavor, being a perfect addition to our recipe.
My Notes: It’s another clean looking can. Similar again to the Chobani rebranding label design – this can features “stamp” imagery on the front side of the can with some beer information. Again, hoping for a good beer. If it’s anything like KAWAII, I’ll be happy. =^.^=
Beer Experience:
Poured from 1 pint can into a 10z Tulip Glass
Appearance: Pours a very yellow and light color. The can art so far with these JA-PAS beers match very closely with how they will pour in appearance. Small head and little retention. Dissipates fast.
(The hazyness was hiding until the 2nd pour).
Aroma: Definitely a sour. Has that twang on top of wet cardboard smell. Possibly a small hint of peach, but that’s discovered or thought of since I saw the label. Not sure I’d pick up on this outside of labeling.
Taste: Sour patch hit and followed by a nice and peach like fill. They really did use a generous amount of peach I feel. Peach is a light flavor, so I’m glad it’s “Flavor Blasted” as far as I know.
Finish: Finishes wet and dry after a pungent sour like lift. Feels crispy oddly at the very end, like a sletze does.
Summary: This sour overall isn’t a bad choice! Sours are still a hit/miss with me personally. They are a little more complex to my palate and I”m still learning the flavors associated to these beverages. This one is a smooth sipper overall, with a nice bite.