KAWAII – Japas Brewing
Alc by vol. 6.4% ABV
Style: New England IPA with blackberry and raspberry
Blended Saison Ale with fresh plums bottle conditioned for 17 months.
Additional notes: (Notes from agent site: beerternational.com) It is impossible to think of Japan without remembering so many “cute” manga and anime characters. And in Japan, all this cuteness has a name: Kawaii. Moreover, it is a culture that has become a lifestyle with thousands of fans around the world and it is now the inspiration for out beer. It also means something innocent, pure, but not not necessarily sweet, so we created a Smoothy NE IPA, light bitterness, pinkish color, flavorful, velvety and with a hint of blackberry and raspberry.
My Notes: It’s an adorable can. Similar to the Chobani rebranding label design – this can features “stamps” and some “cute/kawaii” imagery on top of the stamps. Vomiting a rainbow is a nice touch while sweating out the fruit. Not gonna lie, I love japanese typography and language, so I bought this purely on the label VS the style of beer. All chips in for a hopefully good beer!
Beer Experience:
Poured from 1 pint can into a 10z Tulip Glass
Appearance: Pours a nice pink and hazy (The hazyness was hiding until the 2nd pour). Small head and little retention. Dissipates fast.
Aroma: Super FRUITY! I’m really surprised that I don’t smell much aromatics from the hops here.
Taste: Very fruity and almost complex. The fruity notes go along GREAT with the hops of the NEIPA. This would be amazing to have outdoors camping or something similar. Chilled of course.
Finish: Finishes sharp and sweet but overall SMOOTH. It’s a real smooth move to have this. Glad I was able to drink one.
Summary: This is a good spring drinking kind of drank. Summer might be too hot for this depending on the humidity levels. I’m not picky though, so this is one I’d drink anytime in a year. I hope to see more JA-PAS beers near me in the future. Nashville, TN doesn’t see these folks at all.