Brouweij De Molen – Bommen & Granaten (Bombs & Grenades)
Before opening:
Alc by vol. 15.2%
Bottled: N/A / Released 8/12/20 / Purchased 10/13/20 / Opened 03/18/21
Style: Barleywine / Wheat Wine / Rye Wine
(Commercial description) With a 15% ABV it was more than obvious that we had to name this dessert beer Bombs and Grenades. The use of champagne yeast has had it’s effect on both flavour and body. There’s plenty of fruit like orange, tangerine and sweet apples. It’s powerful and full bodied but still easy going.
Additional notes:I bought this beer on a whim while in Chicago, IL picking up other beers. A kestrel run of a sort for beers from Nashville, TN to Chicago, IL and back. This was chilled and lonesome in the back of this bottle store. No idea what I was in for. Costed one heavy quarter too.
Beer Experience:
Poured from 11.2 fl.oz. bottle into a beer goblet.
Appearance: Pours quickly and appears caramel in color. Sort of chestnut like. Very pretty. Golden edges (not just the glassware). Very little head retention and dissipates quickly.
Aroma: Smells like candy. When I put my mind to it, I can sort of sort out a little bit of caramel/toffee notes…molasses maybe. Toasted malt and again, candy.
Taste: Initially I was blown away by how sweet this tasted. Almost mead like. I first thought honey, but that wouldn’t be right… So sipping some more and taking time to think. Let’s see.. There’s a sweet and malty flavor up front with you. Lets you know it’s here. Caramel, toffee and possibly raisons or dark fruit? I would liken this to almost be like a sweet rum flavor profile. Sort of molasses like and sweet like brown sugar.
Finish: Kinda musty. Maybe some wood notes. Cardboard/Oxidation flavor at the very end.
Summary: This one took me by surprise! Did not expect this at all. I did no research to prepare me for this. I didn’t prepare myself for the 15.2% gravity either. If you’re a fan of Belgian beers, pretty sure this barleywine will be up your alley if you haven’t had one before! Delicious.