3 Fonteinen Cuvée Armand & Gaston
Before opening: I’ve not had many “Cuvée” but I was introduce by one of Richard’s friends to what a Cuvée was. Apparently, for Champagne (I don’t enjoy many if any Champagnes), the term “Cuvée” refers to the first-pressed (and probably the best or preferred) juice of the batch. However with anything else, it’s likely referring to an overall blend or blending. Possibly a blend of more than just one grape or wine(s) from selected batches/barrels/vats and such. Sounds like a snobby profession with extremely fun nuances! Anyway, let’s get into this extremely high rated beverage.
3 Fonteinen Cuvée Armand & Gaston is a blend of one-, two-, three-year-old lambics, all brewed at Brouwerij 3 Fonteinen. Bottle fermented, unfiltered, and unpasteurized.
Alc by vol.
11 JAN 18 | Best Before 26 OCT 38
Oude Geuze – Cuvée Armand & Gaston
Blend of Lambic Beer Aged in Oak
60% Barley 40% Unmalted Wheat Old Hops Water.
Message from label:
Blend No. 11 Best before Oct. 26, 2038. – This particular Cuvée Armond & Gaston has been blended with lambics from 8 different barrels and originating from 8 different brews.
Bottled by Shelton Brothers Inc. Belchertown, MA
Beer Experience:
Poured from 12.7 fl. oz. bottle into a 10z Tulip Glass
Gold+Orange appearance with minimal head retention.
Champagne-like, earthy, apples.
Reminds me of green apples and has the acidity and taste of citrus with a champagne lift. Could be some lime with earthy taste.
Finishes light and crisp. Carbonation is very nice and has a short yet tart finish.
Amazingly delightful, light, refreshing. I’d say this is pretty complex to pull together. The head retention dissipates hastily. As I continued to drink through the beverage, the nose in the glass turned into more of an old barn smell and funky. Funk starts to show when it warms up a bit more and as you drink through. Has bitter properties and a great crisp bite at the finish.